Author Podcast

Author Reading


Lift Your Spirits a Conversation with Anthony Manna & Dena Marie

Empowered Publicity Interviews Anthony Manna on their popular Podcast.

Success Insight interviews Anthony Manna about his writing and latest work.

Reading with your Child interviews Anthony Manna and Don Babisch (scroll to the bottom of the page to listen.)

Language During Mealtime Podcast interviews Anthony Manna

Cultivating Resilience Interview on Unity Radio

Our Energy Matters~Chats with Anthony Manna and Dena Marie

Benefits of Author Visits in Schools and Libraries

How to make the most of School Visits with Ellwyn Autumn. 

Episode 1- An author’s visit is a bridge that offers students important connections to the world and to each other.

Episode 2- An author’s visit can help students learn how an author—or any writer—can deal with constructive criticism and suggestions for improving the writing.

Episode 3- Study guides a visiting author develops for their books to help a busy teacher or librarian motivate students or patrons to engage with the author’s books.

Episode 4- Explore user-friendly resources that help teachers or librarians plan and fund an author’s visit.

Episode 5- Offering teaching material for your books to assist busy educators and librarians in getting ready for your visit.